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Noţiuni de cinetică chimică – aplicaţii

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Timpul de înjumătăţire, t1/2, reprezintă timpul necesar pentru ca jumătate din cantitatea iniţială de reactant să reacţioneze. Expresia matematică care ţine cont de faptul că acum avem jumătate din concentraţia iniţială de reactant, este următoarea:

begin mathsize 18px style straight t subscript 1 divided by 2 end subscript space equals space fraction numerator ln 2 over denominator straight k end fraction equals fraction numerator 0 comma 693 over denominator straight k end fraction end style

Pentru o reacţie cu ecuaţia generală:

aA 01 arrow.jpg produşi de reacţie      

  şi cu expresia vitezei de reacţie de această formă:   v = k·[A]n

avem tabelul de mai jos cu date despre reacţiile cu această formă generală. Reacţiile chimice care au acelaşi ordin de reacţie au anumite caracteristici comune.

Ordinul de reacţie

Legea vitezei de reacţie

Raportul v2/v1, unde:

     v1: c1

     v2: c2 = 2c1

Unitatea de măsură pentru k

n = 0

v = k

v2/v1 = 1, deci v nu depinde de c


n = 1

v = k·[A]

v2/v1 = 2, deci dublarea concentraţiei reactantului duce la dublarea vitezei de reacţie


n = 2

v = k·[A]2

v2/v1 = 4, deci la dublarea concentraţiei reactantului, viteza de reacţie creşte de 4 ori


1.  În unele probleme de calcul nu cunoaştem ordinul de reacţie, însă ni se dă dimensiunea constantei de viteză. Astfel, putem deduce singuri ordinul de reacţie.

Avem legea vitezei de reacţie în forma de mai jos, şi ni se dă unitatea de măsura pentru k: s-1. Trebuie să aflăm ordinul de reacţie, n.

v = k·cn

  • ştim că unitatea de măsură pentru viteză este mol/ L·s, iar unitatea de măsură pentru concentraţie este mol/L.

left square bracket straight c right square bracket to the power of straight n space equals space fraction numerator left square bracket straight v right square bracket over denominator left square bracket straight k right square bracket end fraction space equals space fraction numerator begin display style fraction numerator mol over denominator straight L cross times straight s end fraction end style over denominator begin display style 1 over straight s end style end fraction equals fraction numerator mol over denominator straight L cross times up diagonal strike straight s end fraction cross times up diagonal strike straight s space equals space mol over straight L
rightwards double arrow open parentheses mol over straight L close parentheses to the power of straight n equals mol over straight L space rightwards double arrow straight n equals 1


2.  Este la fel de simplu să aflăm dimensiunea lui k în cazul în care cunoaştem ordinul de reacţie.

Avem următoarea expresie a vitezei de reacţie a unei reacţii oarecare:

v = k · c2

  • cunoaştem unităţile de măsură pentru viteză şi concentraţie.

left square bracket straight k right square bracket space equals space fraction numerator left square bracket straight v right square bracket over denominator left square bracket straight c squared right square bracket end fraction equals fraction numerator begin display style fraction numerator mol over denominator straight L cross times straight s end fraction end style over denominator begin display style mol squared over straight L squared end style end fraction equals fraction numerator up diagonal strike mol over denominator up diagonal strike straight L cross times straight s end fraction cross times straight L to the power of up diagonal strike 2 end exponent over mol to the power of up diagonal strike 2 end exponent equals fraction numerator straight L over denominator mol cross times straight s end fraction
rightwards double arrow dimensiunea space lui space straight k space este space fraction numerator straight L over denominator mol cross times straight s end fraction


3.  Pentru o reacţie chimică ce are loc între doi reactanţi s-au făcut trei experimente cu diferite concentraţii de reactant A şi B.

aA + bB 01 arrow.jpg produşi de reacţie

Tabelul de mai jos redă variaţia vitezei în funcţie de concentraţia reactanţilor:


v (mol/L·s)

A (mol/L)

B (mol/L)

Experiment 1

6,3 · 103

1,02 · 10-3

1,02 · 10-2

Experiment 2

1,26 · 104

2,04 · 10-3

1,02 · 10-2

Experiment 3

1,26 · 104

1,02 · 10-3

2,04 · 10-2

  • care este ordinul total de reacţie, n?
  • care este valoarea constantei de reacţie, k?

Expresia matematică a vitezei de reacţie:

straight v space equals space straight k times left square bracket straight A right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent times left square bracket straight B right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent
straight n space equals space straight n subscript straight A plus straight n subscript straight B

Înlocuim datele experimentale în expresia matematică a vitezei de reacţie:

straight v subscript 1 space equals space 6 comma 3 times 10 cubed space equals space straight k times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent
straight v subscript 2 space equals space 1 comma 26 times 10 to the power of 4 space equals space straight k times left square bracket 2 comma 04 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent
straight v subscript 3 space equals space 1 comma 26 times 10 to the power of 4 space equals space straight k times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent times left square bracket 2 comma 04 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent

Pentru a afla ordinele parţiale de reacţie, ne putem folosi de rapoarte între vitezele de reacţie:

straight v subscript 2 over straight v subscript 1 space equals space fraction numerator 1 comma 26 times 10 to the power of 4 over denominator 6 comma 3 times 10 cubed end fraction space equals space fraction numerator up diagonal strike straight k times left square bracket 2 comma 04 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent times up diagonal strike left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent end strike over denominator up diagonal strike straight k times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent times up diagonal strike left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent end strike end fraction space
rightwards double arrow space 2 space equals space 2 to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent space rightwards double arrow straight n subscript straight A space equals space 1

straight v subscript 3 over straight v subscript 1 space equals space fraction numerator 1 comma 26 times 10 to the power of 4 over denominator 6 comma 3 times 10 cubed end fraction space equals space fraction numerator up diagonal strike straight k times up diagonal strike left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent end strike times left square bracket 2 comma 04 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent over denominator up diagonal strike straight k times up diagonal strike left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight A end exponent end strike times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent end fraction space
rightwards double arrow space 2 space equals space 2 to the power of straight n subscript straight B end exponent space rightwards double arrow straight n subscript straight B space equals space 1

Aşadar, ordinul total de reacţie este n = 2

Pentru calculul constantei de viteză k, înlocuim datele într-una dintre expresiile matematice ale vitezei, spre exemplu v1:

straight v subscript 1 space equals space 6 comma 3 times 10 cubed space equals space straight k times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent right square bracket times left square bracket 1 comma 02 times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent right square bracket
rightwards double arrow space straight k space equals 6 comma 057 times 10 to the power of 8 space fraction numerator straight L over denominator mol times straight s end fraction


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